Kickback: Tendril Apothecary

If you or a loved one in need of health support we have found a solution! Healing from the inside out and willing to partner with your physicians, they are ready! Located right off of main street, Tendril Apothecary and Healing Center is set in a whimsical building. Nestled on a corner lot, with its own flourishing community garden that they harvest out of. Tendril Apothecary and Healing Center is family owned and focused on providing essential health care with meaning and direction.

The team prides themselves on offering the most custom and quality care within a serene facility. They have cutting edge equipment that is hard to find even in bustling neighboring cities. Treatments are focused on you, and they have a proven track record of rapidly increasing healing, and quality of life. They partner your plan with full herbal apothecary and clinical herbalists to guide you. 

They also offer a slew of other accommodation options to encourage the best results. From personal chef services, health coaches, unique classes, and pain management professionals. If you need a simple vitamin B shot for added energy, or are diving into a plan to become the best version of yourself. No matter the issue they are willing to be there for you!

harvesting herbs from their garden


Tell us a little about yourself and the ownership team here?

My name is Laura, I am one of the owners here at Tendril.  I have been on a crusade for years directing my focus to women’s health after I found, throughout my career and studies in herbal healing, that there was a specific niche within my clientele. Ultimately, I love to research and dig into a customer’s needs to get to the root of a better life. 

 For example I found that women were being prescribed antidepressants which is absolutely fine,  yet I knew just by listening to them that I needed to partner with their doctor to develop a plan moving forward. This way we treat them and create a solution that is long term. I truly love to empower and to take control of people’s health and wellbeing!

My husband is also an owner here. He studied Shamanic healing, incorporating plant medicine. His focus is on healing from the inside out balancing the spiritual and emotional connection.  He specializes in health coaching via his studies in Peru with healers and has coined his practice as “Identity Architecture”. Just like laying out floor plans to your home he helps create plans to lay the groundwork for solutions that last.

My Father In-Law, Hank retired as a very well respected Veterinarian for many years working within the competitive horse industry. While working with athletes you are not allowed to treat them with traditional medicine. So over 30 years ago he started focusing his pain management treatments via PEMF, also known as Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy. He can tell by just how you are walking what is aligning you. 

Pain Management is his focus and  he is so well versed in PEMF Therapy he truly knows how to achieve the best results. Since opening Tendril with his Son and I he has come out of retirement and now works in alignment with Local Doctors and Physical Therapists to treat his clients.

Meryl is our Apothecary Manager. She has been working with herbs for over 40 years and is a wild crafter, grower and clinician. She has been here in Sandpoint, for 7 years although she has been in Idaho since 1998. In addition to managing the front end of the store, she also offers Reflexology and is a Landscape Gardener as well. She crafted our beautiful community garden with items that we harvest for healing. 

Lois is our other Herbalist with over 30 years of career experience and formal training. She also offers Medical Massage and Reki. Rounding out the team is Mary who is our local apprentice who is also a budding artist and curates all the beautiful signage and displays. She is currently working on harvesting this season and medicine making. 

Our team is truly passionate about what we do and is so well rounded. We are very grateful for the opportunity to serve this community and offer 10% discounts daily to all of our Veterans and Active Duty service men and women. They truly can benefit from everything we offer here and hope that they can come join us to discuss how we can help.

tednril apothecary storefront

My father has severe scoliosis and the doctor has advised that it is unfortunately going to continue  to rapidly worsen within the upcoming years. Katelyn’s Mom advised him to go see Hank for a treatment so he did recently. He was bed ridden, and after one appointment with him he was hooked and able to hop off the table like he was back in his 40’s. Hank performed the PEMF treatment on him and is continuing to do so to encourage his quality of life. 

showing off the garden and explaining which plants are what
What brought you to open Tendril Apothecary and Healing Center?

Eight years ago we had lived here for several years, although we had to leave for job opportunities. My father in Law, Hank retired here in Sandpoint. He always knew he wanted to retire here as he had driven through the area back in the 70’s and he absolutely fell in love just like we all have. 

Unfortunately, Hank fell ill with COVID and was lining up his affairs as he was under the impression along with his doctors that he was not going to make it. Once we heard how bad things were I immediately got on a plane and got here as fast as I could. 

Every day for months I was administering herbal treatments every two hours and taking him to the Salt Rooms in Spokane. Once he recovered he found a new passion and that was trying to get this information out to more people. He wanted an integrative medical facility in Sandpoint so people didn’t have to travel so far to get these services.

For those non-believers what would you like to educate them with to proceed with coming in for a visit?

Proof is in the pudding, come in and challenge us so we can help you!! 

We are not working with anything that has not been proven and used throughout the dawn of time here. Herbs and supplements have been proven and studied. Unfortunately, due to the pharmaceutical world here in the United States the studies are not as supported as they are outside of the U.S. 

The benefits to Biohacking and Oxygen Therapy equipment have been proven to dramatically increase the longevity of tissue and bone health as well as enhance your metabolism within your body’s cells. Some of the benefits are increased productivity, reduced food cravings, increased energy, better sleep, hormonal balance, better cognitive function, improved mood, just to name a few. With winter on the horizon we are eager to get people in here and get to work to ensure that through these lengthy winter months they are able to function at maximum capacity.

What is the first thing you would recommend someone starting with if they have seasonal allergies?

Honestly, we recommend tinctures, we carry a line based out of Colorado that is shipping nationwide called Wishgarden and we carry their full line. The Kickass Sinus and Kickass Allergy are the top two I would recommend. Regulating the mucus and drying out your sinuses is vital to being able to feel like you can breathe and take on the day. With that we recommend any teas with Neddles and right now Goldenrod is currently being harvested and is a good source to also help with this.

Simply changing your sheets and pillow cases as well as showering to remove pollen in your hair or build up is very important. It can be as simple or as complicated as you make it but if you are looking to feel better we have the stuff to get you on your way!

Is there anything you would like our readers to take away from this Kickback Session?

We are here for the community, the name “Tendril” is defined as the slender threadlike appendage of a climbing plant and supports the plant’s stability and growth. 

We care, we check in, when you come in here we make a valiant effort to always ensure that you are taken care of. We are happy to be in alignment with your doctors to help support you via their tools as well as ours. We want to hear your problems and work with you to find a lasting solution to nourish, heal and ultimately, thrive. 

We offer classes that are fun to participate in, we encourage you to follow the link below to see what is on the horizon. I am eager to hold the Halloween Potion class and hope to see you there!

Also, if you or someone you know is a veteran or active duty we offer a 10% discount daily as noted previously and we have recently partnered with a Non Profit, Courageous Survival. They are an Idaho-based non-profit organization that is connecting everyday heroes and their families with resources for mental health and well being. We want to encourage our service men and women as well as their families to understand that our services could dramatically help them. 

Check out our homemade Peppermint Tea for this cold and flu season. It’s a great solution to pair with Tendril to heal you up quick!

In our small town community, finding holistic healing facilities is few and far between. Recently, we found out that we have a local healing center right down town. If you are eager to complete an after summer float session or looking for a unique gift opportunity, we encourage you to read on!

  1. […] We hope you enjoyed this amazing brand feature! If you are in need of a simple health update we challenge you to visit our Kickback Session with Tenril! […]

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